6 Reasons Why EVERY Pregnant Woman Should Get a 3D ultrasound

Attention: Pregnant women, you need to read this!
Are you pregnant and wondering what your baby looks like inside the womb?
Well, a 3D ultrasound can give you a sneak peek of what your baby will look like even before it’s born.
You want to have a memorable moment with your family and friends of your unborn child during pregnancy.
But sometimes, waiting until birth for the first glimpse isn’t enough. With a 3D ultrasound, it is possible to have a clear and sharp vision of your baby before seeing its face in the flesh.
Attention: Pregnant women, you need to read this!
Here are six reasons why every pregnant woman should get a 3D ultrasound today.
3D ultrasounds are a great way for pregnant women to get an inside look at their unborn baby.
3D ultrasounds can give the parents a rare up-close look at their unborn baby without having to wait until the baby is born. This will provide the expecting parents a great view of the baby from every angle. The 3D ultrasound is like seeing your baby on TV!
Seeing your unborn baby in 3 dimensions gives you a true feeling of what your child will look like and allows for excellent bonding time with the mom, dad, siblings, and friends.
3D ultrasounds can be done as early as 14 weeks into pregnancy.
3D ultrasounds can be done as early as fourteen weeks into pregnancy. This is an excellent way for parents to get to see their unborn baby while it’s still small and has room to move around. 3D ultrasounds are also a perfect way for the parents to have pictures of their child while still in utero, providing memories they will cherish for years to come. Plus, they make the perfect gifts!. Plus, they make the perfect gifts!.
3D ultrasounds are a way for parents to get a head start in preparation for their new addition by giving them pictures, allowing them to become more familiar with the baby’s features. 3D ultrasounds are also an excellent way for older siblings or relatives that can’t wait to meet their new brother or sister.
3D ultrasounds can boost mommy’s confidence
Pregnant women who opt for 3D ultrasounds typically feel more confident about their decision and less anxious about the birth process. By seeing their baby in the womb, women can better understand what to expect when the baby comes.
3D ultrasounds help women prepare mentally as well as physically for the birth process. By seeing their unborn child, you can visualize what it will look like when born and help prepare mentally, making the birthing process easier.
3D ultrasounds can boost your spirits during the final weeks of pregnancy. Seeing your baby in 3-D gives you a sense of accomplishment, knowing that, in just a few short weeks or months, you will meet this little bundle of joy.
3D ultrasounds also give pregnant women the chance to see their child before it’s born, giving them an advantage in bonding with their child and getting prepared for the birth process.
3D ultrasounds are safe
3D ultrasound technicians are specially trained in prenatal care, so they will also provide you with valuable information on what your baby looks like, its gender, and other vital data that will help you prepare for the arrival of your baby.
3D ultrasounds are not harmful to the baby, and there is no risk for the mother or child. They are no more dangerous than a regular ultrasound.
3D ultrasound is painless and safe for you and your baby.
3D ultrasounds are affordable
3D ultrasounds can range from a few hundred dollars to fourteen hundred dollars depending on the provider you choose and the type of 3D ultrasound. 3D ultrasounds are a great option for those who want to see their baby but do not have the extra money to pay for more visits to their OBGYN to see the baby.
Because most insurance carriers limit the number of ultrasounds that can be done, 3D ultrasounds are a great way to see your baby without having to worry about insurance coverage.
3D ultrasounds help with the bonding process
Picture being able to see your little one before they’re born. Isn’t that such an amazing feeling? 3D and 4D ultrasounds help with the bonding process between you and your baby. They allow you to get a sense of what your child will look like when they’re born, which can be very exciting!
Frequently Asked Questions About 3D ultrasounds
What is a 3D ultrasound?
A 3D ultrasound is an ultrasound that is performed to provide a 3-dimensional image of your baby. The use of ultrasound machines came about in the early 1950s. Doctors used it initially to examine internal organs such as the heart and brain. Still, with new technology, it has been able to be used for many other purposes, such as determining the gender of your baby through early ultrasounds.
3D ultrasounds can be performed as early as the first or second trimester. Some places will allow you to see 3D images from the beginning of your pregnancy. These scans are similar to regular ultrasounds, but they have different machines, which gather more detailed information.
When is the best time to have a 3D ultrasound done?
It is best to have a 3D ultrasound between 18-22 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, the baby is large enough to be seen clearly, but it is still tiny and undeveloped.
Between 18-22 weeks, your baby will begin to develop in a way you can see on the 3D image, giving you an idea of what they may look like when born.
3D ultrasounds can also be performed later in pregnancy. Some doctors may only allow you to have one 3D ultrasound, while others will allow you a few because of various reasons, such as not knowing how far along the child is in its development.
Here at Look at Me 4D imaging, we have packages that allow you to see your baby through a 3D ultrasound. Some of the packages and suggested times to have them are:
Sweet Beginnings (Weeks 7-12)
Watch Me Grow – 2D ultrasound Only (13 Weeks – Full Term)
Pink or Blue (Starting at 16 Weeks)
Sweet Cheeks 3D/4D/HD-Live (Weeks 22-32)
One Last Look 2D (Weeks 35-40)
What are the different types of 3D ultrasounds available?
There are three main types of 3D ultrasounds: a Doppler ultrasound, an internal 3D ultrasound, and a regular 3D ultrasound.
A Doppler is used to examine blood flow in your body, such as in your heart or the placenta. It can also be used to determine any problems. It uses the same technology as a regular ultrasound but can be used to see blood flow.
A 3D internal ultrasound is done by placing a probe inside the vagina instead of just on top of the skin like a regular ultrasound. This gives more information about your baby, such as what position it is in and any organs that may have been hidden before. 3D internal ultrasounds can be performed as early as 12 weeks.
A regular 3D ultrasound uses a probe placed over the area of your stomach instead of inside. These are usually done between 18-22 weeks to give you an idea of how big the baby is compared to you and any details that can’t be seen in a 2d ultrasound.
Why should I have a 3D ultrasound?
There are many reasons why having a 3D ultrasound done is excellent for you and your baby. Here are just a few:
- Allows you to see your baby before birth
- It gives you a chance to put a face to all those movements that have been making you feel like something might be wrong.
- Allows you to see your baby in detail.
- Help determine the gender of the baby without having to wait until birth. Be sure to read our list of popular girl names to have a jump-start on naming your baby girl.
- Satisfies curious minds that want to know precisely what is inside their belly
- 3D ultrasounds can help calm parents’ nerves a little bit by seeing their children and knowing that they are healthy.
- You can get images and videos of your baby, which can be printed or easily shared with others.
How much does it cost for a 3D ultrasound?
Prices vary depending on the 3D ultrasound package you choose.
Here at Look at Me 4d imaging, we have a wide variety of 3D ultrasound packages that include different things such as gender reveal, videos, etc. Prices also reflect how people can view and receive copies of these images and videos.
Visit our packages page to find the perfect one for you!
What does a 3D ultrasound show?
A 3D ultrasound shows a lot of detail about your baby. Here is a list of things seen in an ultrasound:
- Baby’s face, hands, and feet
- Eyebrows, eyelids, fingers, and toes
- Eyes, nose, mouth, and tongue
- Baby’s position, height in relation to the tummy size
This is only a shortlist of what a 3D ultrasound can show. There are many more things that can be seen in a 3D ultrasound. Come on by and take a peek at them!
Should I get stills or videos of the 3D ultrasound?
The choice is up to you, but we recommend getting both if possible. Images are great because they can be printed out and shared with others.
Videos are great because they allow you to see your baby moving around, which is fantastic. You can also take excerpts from these videos to share with others, for example, your family who may not be able to make it for the session
You can download videos onto a computer or a USB and then viewed on the TV at home or shared on social media.
Plus, you can take videos of your baby opening their eyes, yawning, or just kicking around to share with friends and family online!
They can be downloaded onto a computer or a USB and then viewed on the TV at home.
You can even do a live stream for friends, family, and relatives who cannot attend the session with our Baby Stream Live option and view them in real-time.
Are there any risks or side effects associated with having a 3D ultrasound?
There are no risks or side effects associated with having a 3D ultrasound. However, pregnant women should not have 3D ultrasounds done earlier than 12 weeks because there may be an increased risk of miscarriage.
According to the Food and Drug Administration, 3D ultrasounds are considered safe during the second trimester as long as you do not receive them on top of your stomach and that the 3D probe is not too close to your baby.
3D ultrasounds can be performed on top of the stomach or inside the belly. You should discuss the risks with your doctor if you have any concerns.
How do I prepare for a 3D ultrasound?
There’s not much preparation required for a 3D ultrasound. That’s why they’re so easy and convenient.
You’ll be able to enjoy a 3D ultrasound while you’re pregnant. Just make sure your belly is nice and big, so there’s enough room for the probe. If you can, bring someone with you to the appointment to hold your items or help you get dressed after the session.
You should wear loose clothing and remove any piercings or jewelry.
The only thing you need to do is relax. You will see your baby moving around, so don’t worry about being nervous during the session.
How long does a 3D ultrasound take?
Your 3D ultrasound session should take between 15-30 minutes, at most one hour. 3D ultrasounds are very quick and easy to perform, which is another reason why they’re so popular. The technicians here at Look at Me 4D Imaging will be able to work around your schedule if you need. We can even make appointments that are perfect for your lunch break.
What can you do if you don’t want to know the gender of your baby before birth?
If you don’t want to know the gender of your baby before birth, we can perform a 3D/4D ultrasound where it’s not possible to see what your baby’s genitals look like.
Just be sure to tell the technician beforehand so that they know not to say to you whether you’re having a boy or a girl.
That way, when the session is over, you can decide whether or not you want to find out the gender of your baby. Don’t worry; there will still be plenty of other exciting things to see during the ultrasound!
Book your 3D Ultrasound today!
3D ultrasound images are not intended to replace a medical exam. If you have any concerns or questions, please consult your doctor or medical professional before scheduling an appointment.