10 Tips for Amazing Ultrasound Pictures and Videos

It is always so exciting when you find out that you are pregnant, even more so when you see a little heart beating on the ultrasound! For many first-time mothers-to-be, this is their first interaction with their baby.
Ultrasound Pictures and Video Tips
There is nothing like seeing your baby’s face for the first time.
The look on your husband’s face when he first sees the baby on an ultrasound picture or video will be one he will never forget and the most precious gift that you can give him.
To help ensure a great experience at our imaging company, we have developed ten tips for getting fantastic ultrasound pictures and videos of your baby. We suggest following them closely to make sure you get exactly what you are looking for!
Drink Lots of Water
Many women do not realize how important it is to drink plenty of water during their pregnancy. Waters helps your body produce amniotic fluid and the perfect environment for your baby. It also helps reduce the risk that you’ll have a miscarriage.
The best time to drink water is half an hour before you eat or drink anything else, and continue drinking as much water throughout the day as possible. If you drink plenty of water, then you should start seeing results in your pictures and videos!
If you want to get the most out of your scan, make sure you have a full bladder. In addition to drinking at least 2 liters a day before and during pregnancy, try eating foods with high water content like cucumbers and watermelon.
Drinking prior can also help improve clarity in amniotic fluid because hydration helps clear it up! Try incorporating this habit into two weeks leading up to the procedure for clearer images and photos, but don’t overdo it.
During your ultrasound, your stomach will be touched lightly so that the technician can get an accurate image, and you’ll be uncomfortable if you have an enlarged bladder.

Eat Before Your Scan
Eating before the ultrasound is an essential step to getting the best pictures.
Popular suggestions include iced drinks, sweets, caffeine, or dietary protein sources. When you eat before an ultrasound, it’ll cause your baby to be more active during the session, making them a lot easier to see.
Some foods that we find to help the best are:
- Bananas – both sweet and ripe (we prefer these because they contain natural sugars that can induce movement)
- Protein – burgers, eggs with bacon, peanut butter sandwiches, etc.
- Caffeine – coffee or tea (not soda)
- Sugary drinks – Gatorade, sodas, juice boxes
Be Aware of Your Baby’s Current Sleep Habits (if possible)
Some babies are known for being early risers, and some are late-night sleepers.
It is always better to schedule appointments when your baby is most active, but if you are not sure of your baby’s current sleep habits, That’s why we make it possible to schedule an appointment at any time of the day.
Be prepared to learn your baby’s gender!
Today’s ultrasound technology makes it easy to determine if you’re having a little boy or a little girl during your scan.
Please be aware that your baby’s ultrasound picture or video may reveal their gender to everyone in the room!
Do you have a stubborn husband? Here are some ways that you can convince him to find out your baby’s sex early.
If you’d rather wait until your baby is born to learn their gender, let the sonographer know so that they will not reveal your baby’s gender during the session.
Finding out a baby’s gender is so popular that we even have scans solely to learn if you’re having a boy or a girl.
Or, you can get a sneak peek clinical, which involves a blood draw and a simple blood test, you can find out your baby’s gender.
During your ultrasound, you’ll want to be sure to stay as calm as possible. There are many reasons for this:
- The baby will be much more active in an environment that is calm and quiet. This means the baby’s heart rate can be tracked better, and the ultrasound images will be clearer.
- It will also allow time for all of the parts of your baby’s body to fully come into view, ensuring accurate measurements and a complete picture of your little one.
- It will allow you to bond better with your baby. By being relaxed, you’ll be able to focus on the images that are on the screen. (we have a 75″ flatscreen TV for you to watch on!)
Get Rid of Distractions
Don’t have any distractions during the appointment! Turn off your phone and make sure that everyone in the room is quiet and calm.
The baby will respond by being very active during the session, leading to clearer images for you!
Consider Relaxation Techniques Beforehand
The tech will need your full attention to ensure a good experience for you and your baby.
If you’re familiar with yoga, meditation, or similar calming techniques before your appointment, this will also help.
Make Sure You’re Comfortable!
During your ultrasound, we’ll want you to be as comfortable as possible. If you need anything from pillows to blankets or anything else to make you feel better, let us know.
Many of our clients are nervous during their sessions, and we want to be sure that your experience is as stress-free as possible. It’s ok; we are here to support you!
Invite family, friends, and/or siblings.
Seeing your baby while it’s growing is one of the most critical aspects of the ultrasound experience.
Invite all family members and friends to come along with you on this exciting journey and witness your developing baby for themselves! When they see how beautiful their new addition looks, it’ll be an unforgettable moment for everyone!
Have Fun!
Your appointment is a time to bond with your baby! We love seeing the different reactions of our clients when they see their little ones for the first time.
It is an unforgettable experience that you’ll enjoy every moment of.
Frequently Asked Questions about 3D Ultrasounds.
Do you want to see your unborn baby?
3D and 4D ultrasounds are a great way to get an up-close look at your little one. You can see their face, hands, feet, heart beating, and so much more! It’s the perfect gift for any mom-to-be.
We offer both 3D and 4D ultrasound services in our studio, or we can come to you anywhere in the world. Our team is here to help with all of your needs from start to finish. Let us know how we can make this experience memorable for you!
Visit our online portal to book your appointment today!