Early Viewing (22-26 Weeks) – Your baby’s facial features are developing, and the baby is still working to put on some weight to get those sweet chubby cheeks that we love to see.
Ideal Viewing (27-32 Weeks) – This is the most ideal time to schedule an elective 3D|4D|HDLive Ultrasound. Babies’ chubby cheeks are filling out and distinct facial features are developed. This is a great time to see if they look like mom or dad.
Unpredictable Viewing (After 32 Weeks) – This is an uncertain time and can get tricky due to several factors (limited space, position of baby, position of placenta, amount of fluid around baby). After 32-Weeks it is increasingly difficult to obtain quality images. However, there is still a possibility to get images, it can just be a little more of a challenge.